Shakespeare Summer Stroll: Twelfth Night

Performance Dates: 9/12 – 9/15 and 9/19 – 9/22
Thursday, Friday and Saturday 6pm (Doors open at 5:30 p.m.) | Sunday 2pm Location: di Rosa Center for Contemporary Art (5200 Sonoma Highway Napa, CA 94559)
About the Productions: Shakespeare Summer Stroll returns to di Rosa with Twelfth Night, a romantic comedy of mistaken identity, set against the backdrop of di Rosa’s stunning artwork and natural beauty. Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night centers on the twins Viola and Sebastian, who become embroiled in a love triangle with the Duke Orsino, Countess Olivia, and each other. The story plays off gender confusion and mistaken identity to raise social critique, all served with a lot of laughs. This abridged version of Twelfth Night is directed by Jennifer King, and with live musical accompaniment arranged by music director Dr. Christina Howell. Audiences will follow a guided walking tour through the plot points of Twelfth Night, all set against the incredible artwork and natural backdrop of di Rosa. The production will feature award-winning Bay Area actor Tim Kniffin in the role of Malvolio, along with local professionals Matthew Cowell, Olivia Cowell, and Rio Codda and apprentice actors from Napa Valley College. Shakespeare Summer Stroll is made possible in part by a Collaborative Arts and Culture Grant from the County of Napa Board of Supervisors.
Tickets: $25 General Admission | $5 ages 5-17 | Free for Members and Napa Valley College Students & Faculty